Dear Parishioners,
On this page, you will find all of our up-to-date COVID-19 pandemic information. By now, you know that all scheduled activities, included Eucharistic Liturgies are postponed indefinitely.
While the obligation to participate in Sunday Mass has been universally dispensed throughout the United States, there are many streamed and recorded liturgies. There is one recommended Eucharistic Liturgy on television, at 6 AM on Sunday mornings on WJW-TV Cleveland. There is also a mass streamed every day from the Diocese of Cleveland (
Unfortunately, we have suspended the streamed/recorded Eucharistic Liturgy at Saint Victor. This was done in the interest of safety. Our medical advisor did not think that our arrangement was safe enough for the three participants. However, we are highly recommending that all of our parishioners “attend” the same mass at 5:30 PM on Saturdays.
Church of the Ressurection
Solon, Ohio
Father Tom Dragga, Pastor
I would like very much that we would use the mass at Resurrection, Solon, as “our” mass, because it means more of us can be, virtually, together. Father Dragga is, as you will see, an excellent preacher and presider, and he is a good personal friend of mine. Please join me in viewing the Eucharistic Liturgy every Saturday evening at 5:30 PM.
Our weekly video message can be found in the weekly email which can be found below.
Please contact me directly by email with any concern, or just to chat.
If anyone in our parish is diagnosed, tests positive for COVID-19, or is caused to self- quarantine, please let us know so our entire parish can offer their prayerful support.
If anyone is in need of grocery or Rx pickup or anything like that, we have about 15 parishioners who have offered to help, so please let me know.
Thank you,
Father Corrigan
Updated at 6:00 PM on 3/28/20
March 28, 2020 Update
Dear People of God,
Our weekly Saint Victor Video Message has been prepared and you can find it here:
We are sad to say that in an abundance of caution we have suspended the weekly streaming and recording of the mass from Saint Victor. Our highly-placed medical advisor suggested that our methodology for producing the video is too risky for our videographer, lector and presider. Instead we are recommending ONE alternative, because if we all go to the same place for our weekly video mass, we will be more virtually together. This mass is at Resurrection, Solon, and the presider is Father Tom Dragga. This mass will be at 5:30 PM this evening, as it is every Saturday evening:
Church of the Resurrection Live Mass
There is also a weekly televised mass available (at 6 AM every Sunday on WJW-TV) and also a daily streamed mass from the Diocese of Cleveland. (
That being said, there have been many opinion in the Catholic professional literature recently about the meaning and even advisability of streamed worship. There are some excellent streamed and recorded programs that are not liturgical but are very worthwhile. The best that I can think of is produced by my friend Father Joe Fortuna, called “At the Table of the Word.” Joe is among the finest preachers I know, and this series is quite excellent and I recommend it highly. Here is last weekend’s video, but you can readily click around to find the most current video:
Finally, you will find in the weekly video a number of other issues related to our parish life. One of the most important I can think of is our concern for our elect catechumen, Caleb Miller, and our First Communion and Confirmation candidates. Our top priority is determining when we can reschedule the celebrations of these sacraments. We are also concerned about the most needy in our area who are being served by our “Holy Thursday – Saint Vincent de Paul” collection. Anyone can make a one-time gift through FaithDirect to make a contribution to our Saint Vincent de Paul chapter. Please label that one-time gift accordingly.
Also, we have been able to retain our staff and keep them busily working at home due to your generosity. I would kindly ask only those who are currently able to please consider remaining current with the sacrificial gifts that keep our missions and ministry going during this challenging time. For those who are able, here is the link.
Finally, I would like to make a list of the special projects that people may be doing to make this “Stay-at-Home” time as rich, live-giving and growthful as possible. For example, I am taking on-line, Rosetta Stone, Spanish lessons. But what are you doing? Please send me an email and let me know, and I will report back in next weekend’s message.
Allen F. Corrigan
March 19, 2020 Update
View the 5 PM Mass for Saturday, March 14 here!