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Gathering and Growing in Faith Commitment Card
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eGiving with Faith Direct.  In order to meet the needs of a growing number of parishioners who prefer electronic transactions we are introducing a new way for you to participate in the mission of Saint Victor Parish:  Faith Direct.  Faith Direct will enable us to participate in the parish offertory and other collections through either direct debit from our checking or savings accounts (ACH) or through our credit or debit cards.  Faith Direct also offers you personalized offertory cards to replace your envelopes for the collection basket.  The Diocese of Cleveland has strongly urged all parishes to provide some means of electronic giving.  I am very thankful that we have such a generous parish not only in terms of financial support, but also through the sharing of time and talent.  Enrolling is easy and secure.  Please refer to the letter you will be receiving soon, or visit directly by clicking on the Faith Direct logo above. I hope that a large number of parishioners will be able to sign up in advance of this year’s extremely important Christmas Collection.  Thanks to all!  – Father Corrigan


We, the Roman Catholic community of Saint Victor Parish, are a grateful family of God, joined together by the teachings of Jesus Christ. We strive to develop a relationship with God by sharing our blessings, talents, and gifts through service, evangelization and community justice; our mission being greater love, worship, praise and adoration of God. Through the Holy Spirit we seek to draw nearer to God by prayer, sacramental grace, sacrifice, knowledge of the gospel and love for one another.