Human Trafficking: From Facts and Figures to Faces and Futures

Sr. Cecilia Liberatore, SND
Monday, September 22, 2014
St. Victor Church 7–9pm

Human trafficking has become a social cancer in recent
years. What is it? Who is affected? Why should we be
concerned? Sr. Cecilia will draw on her vast experiences in
providing support to women and girls who have been, or
are in imminent danger of being trafficked. She will provide
information about human trafficking from both a global
and local perspective, and will show how this is a real social
and moral issue in our neighborhoods and communities.

Sr. Cecilia is a Sister of Notre Dame who holds degrees from Notre
Dame College in Cleveland, Kent State, and the University of Dayton.
She is a member of the Collaborative to End Human Trafficking and
participates in planning and leading conferences on this topic. She
also acts as a court advocate for women arrested for prostitution, and
engages in outreach on the streets to women who have been trafficked.

See the ACE Brochure:

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